

I am 41 years old and I have separated myself from our holy God with my sin. I have spent most of my life pointing the finger and using my victim role, thinking nobody else had the problems I did. Traveling around the same old mountain, the breath in my body was my only hope. Everyone could see the storm cloud but me. I even came to a point where I almost welcomed it. I did not want to die, but I did not know how to live either. My “I cannot” was really “I will not.” Not expecting to walk into the father’s will, I landed shipwrecked right here at The New Orleans Mission! My father is teaching me the truth, showing me what beauty really is, and what love looks like. I was so blinded by the darkness of lies, confusion, deception, and expectation. I woke up in the sunlight here at Lynhaven. I now love because he first loved me, and the sun shines in the beauty of the lover of my soul. My Father Jesus.

Thank you for being a part of my redemption story
